Thursday, November 10, 2011

St. Louis Fire Department Educates Students at Perspectives

Backing up into the Perspectives parking lot was the St. Louis Park Fire Department. The big red fire truck was a hit with our students ages k-5th grade. Fireman Tom and Carey educated two groups of Kid’s Connection students on the fire engine and all its cool gadgets. Seeing the Jaws of Life and knowing how many car accident victims it saves was interesting to our students.

Each of our students got the chance to walk up the fire engine stairs and sit on the big fireman bench. Inside they learned about fire safety and were able to view all the equipment a fireman wears when they go into a fire. The smile on each child’s face was a good sign that this visit from the fire department was a success.

Big thanks go out to the St. Louis Park Fire Fighters: Carey, Tom and Kris. Our students really enjoyed your tutelage on fire safety and of course, the big red fire engine.

Perspectives and the Kids Connection Staff


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